Welcome to HandWritten Books, the online, independent bookstore with a difference. We're a platform that caters to the needs of authors, those dreaming of becoming an author and book lovers! We're not just about selling books, we're creating a community of authors and readers who share a love for unique literature.
Handwritten Books is a treasure trove self-published 'indie' books online. We're not just for authors, we're for all the bookworms too! We have a wide collection of books as well our free short stories collection, catering to everyone.
Our platform is genre-agnostic and as we continue to build our library we'll have something to suit all reading tastes. We celebrate independent authors who break the mould and take their readers on unforgettable journeys through this world and others.
So jump on and have a look around - check out our range of books for sale, and don't forget to indulge in our FREE short story collection!
Are you an author looking for a platform to promote your work? We're here to help!
At HandWritten Books we understand the challenges that face self-published writers, and the importance of ownership and creative control. So when you list your titles with us we leave it just as you wrote it. And the best part? It's free!
Find out more about how we can help you promote your books
HandWritten Books is a platform for independent authors across genres to promote and sell their work.
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